(revised March 2017)

Wall-E is a figurer-animated movie produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney in 2008. Information technology was one of the most successful animations of the decade. I watched Wall-Due east in 2009 when many major events occurred to me. This animation changed my perception. While Wall-E promotes love, friendship, and a sense of environmentalism among young audiences just to me, at that place are something deeper presenting in Wall-E that forever altered the way the 14-year-former me viewed the globe.

Despite its constant presence of comedic events and dialogues, Wall-E'southward background story revealed a darker theme. The plot occurs in a nigh future, where humans become slaves of technology and consumerism completely takes over our democracy and free will. Later on abandoning our planet due to a global environmental crisis that makes Globe uninhabitable, humans seek refuge from a spaceship sponsored by BnL, the very company that deprives humans of moral values and even of our mother nature. After generations of men and women born and raised on the Axiom, the BnL-hosted gigantic spaceship, away from World, humans no longer know their origin along with the accented lack of reasoning, living under a totalitarian control of BnL system. Hence, I take the freedom to say the plot of this movie is utterly unsettling.

The 2 ambrosial robots W.A.L.L-East (stand for Waste matter Allocation Load Lifter Earth-form) and EVE, are biblical representations of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, according to Abrahamic religions, are the first humans that are created by God. After eating the fruit from the forbidden tree, Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden of Eden for disobeying God. In the first few minutes of the movie, we see the hard-working robot Wall-E patiently and constantly collects the garbage, compacts them and arranges the compacted blocks into orderly manner. Hence, just like Adam, Wall-Eastward is condemned to labor forever.


In 2805, World is contaminated with garbage, and no organisms tin survive such condition. The entire man population is evacuated by Purchase-N-Large on the behemothic spaceship Axion, leaving behind West.A.L.Fifty-E (represent Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class) robots that are in accuse of cleaning up the Earth surface. In the first minutes of the motion-picture show, we come across piles of trash as tall as skyscrapers that dominate the landscape. The background music plays a mail-apocalyptic feeling theme, contrasting the upbeat and happy tune of Put on Your Sunday Clothes.

Equally the homo civilization ends up with a countless amount of garbage because of mass consumption, the start moment of Wall-E already suggests the motion-picture show aims to advocate ecology protection. The megacorporation BnL is responsible for this disaster.


BnL corporation is in charge of every market, including supplying and creating demands for gas, food, drink, technology, and even in control of the media and government. In a brief moment, the BnL-endemic "Purchase North Big Time" newspaper appears to show that the BNL CEO, in a joking fashion, declares global emergency from a place beingness identical to the White Firm Briefing Room. Whenever a businessman of the individual sector represents a powerful political position, similar the President of the United States, it always denotes an unsettling scenario. In this motion-picture show, it indeed does. BnL corporation controls every aspect of life. The concepts of democracy and complimentary will are taken over by advertisement, product promotion, and complete reliance on technology. These irksome settings seem to but announced in George Orwell'southward 1985 or cyberpunk literature, but they are somehow portrayed in this blitheness supposedly for kids. This is the geniuses of Pixar producers. The messages are conspicuously not for immature audiences to comprehend but perhaps they are served as seeds in the youngsters' souls, hoping they would one day exist aware of how they are nether the influence of mass consumption and slaves of large corporations. In 2017, the unsettling scenario in Wall-E becomes partially truthful.


Pedagogy dictated past BnL


Not everyone is raised with a Bible to understand the religious content in Wall-E. The movie'southward protagonists, Wall-Eastward and EVE, are clearly of biblical reference: Adam and Eva.

In the get-go, Wall-E, the robot created to clean up the mess of Earth, is lonely later on all other Wall-Eastward compactors cease to operate. Wall-E'southward loneliness is a reference to Adam'south before God created his wife. And just similar Adam, Wall-E is "cursed" to labor forever.

EVE, whose proper name is similar to Eva, is a robot sent by mothership to survey Globe to look for sign of life. From this signal, there are fifty-fifty deeper layers. It is important to pause here and talk about mothership first.


Buy 'n' Large (BnL), the mega-corporation is the ascendant visitor in well-nigh every aspect of life on Earth for centuries. Due to mass consumerism, Globe is quickly covered in garbage, and BnL evacuated all human population to infinite with a gigantic starliner called Axiom.

BnL is the creator of both Wall-E and EVE. And EVE, with the mission of surveying the Earth, was to bring back to Axiom a sign of life, a growing bulb. Co-ordinate to the Volume of Genesis, EVE is a metaphor for the dove with an olive co-operative and thus while the Axiom is being a reference to Noah's Ark. From the story of Noah and the Overflowing, a dove bringing an olive branch signifies a sign of life, meaning information technology is time to return.

Things even get more interested from here. Equally EVE brings the seedling dorsum to the ship, Axiom also represents a fake garden of Eden where mankind is enslaved past technology, deprived of disquisitional thinking, physical strength and free will. BnL, therefore, is a fake god and EVE must wake humanity from this fake god to return to Mother Earth.

This is an almost perfect opposite club of what happened in the Bible: mankind is already in the Garden of Eden, simply a imitation one, so Eva, conveying the sign of life, more or less a "sign of knowledge", followed by Adam, back to the Garden to wake humanity upward and get back to the real God, Mother Globe.


The seedling itself, which is stored in EVE's container, is more or less a reference to women's pregnancy before EVE can "deliver" new life.



This is Machine, the autopilot robot of Axiom.

AUTO is created past BnL to manage the ship and be in total control, despite a homo captain. Axiom carries the unabridged human population and Machine is in command of Axiom forth with all robotic force, including security and constabulary. That indicates a totalitarian regime in which democracy does not be. While the human being captain may stand for the sense of "homo existence in charge," information technology is a imitation republic. The truth is revealed when AUTO stages a mutiny against the captain.

In short, AUTO represents totalitarianism installed by corporatism, eradicating democratic value and taking total control of media, teaching and police force force.

On the other hand, I'd say Automobile is a personification (or, "mechanization") of the laws that protect corporatism, seeing AUTO following directive A113, stating information technology is never the case that humanity would render to Globe. A113 is created centuries before the consequence of this picture show by CEO of BnL, prohibiting the ship from returning. This directive is based on the poor judgment of the CEO that Earth will never be clean once more. Apparently, he is wrong every bit Wall-Due east finds a seedling could survive environs on Earth. However, AUTO blindly follows A113 and disregards the prove which could claiming AUTO's regime. Using censorship, AUTO tricks the captain into thinking this is a false alarm. Over again, the use of censorship goes well with totalitarianism.

Education dictated past advertising.


Portable technology. Drink. Lack of action. Obesity.


Consumer beliefs. Lack of critical thinking. Lack of selection. Follow social tendency.



The catastrophe credit of Wall-E makes me call up well-nigh a beginning or the finish. The fine art is equivalent to aboriginal Egyptian art, showing how humanity starts their civilization again from scratch.

It may exist a continuous part of the movie'due south biblical reference when mankind is banished from Garden of Eden and starts their own civilizations. On the other hand, I also think the message hither is for corporatism, that is, maybe we all need a reset button, back to the ancient time where there is no greedy corporation that controls our life and human society is no longer influenced by mass consumerism anymore.

Both theories are of opposite direction. Either manner, the moral is clear: flesh must accept control of our own life, not by a pocket-sized grouping of greedy leaders, non by social trend, only each individual must and should be aware that we all have a choice.

We can accept a choice to save our planet, to escape from engineering-dominated society, to return to nature. And near importantly, we have the option to love and to deliver the seed of life.